

‎"Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right."  -Oprah Winfrey

Today I read online that some cultures
wear red undies for good luck on NYE.
So bust out your red panties ladies!
Happy New Year to everyone!  One last night to make it right...and if you don't get it right, well, there's always next year!  So go out and have fun.  Kiss a fool.  Have a one night stand (I actually read somewhere girls are more likely to have a one night stand on NYE than any other night of the year - great news for you man whores out there).  Whatever you choose.  I'll be spending my night quietly with some of my favorite people and their babies.  I couldn't be more excited to ring in 2011 in great company without a kiss...unless it's from a kiss on the cheek from my favorite 8-year-old, Otto.

In accordance with the New Year's tradition, I too have taken some time to set goals for 2011...not quite resolutions..but just a few little things I'll be "focusing on."  We'll see how well this works out for me over the next 365 days...Here's to 2011...
  • laugh more
  • smile more
  • spend less money
  • cuss less
  • eat less
  • drink more wine
  • wear red lips as frequently as possible
  • match my undergarments
  • read more books that are not related to medicine
  • learn to do something new, maybe knitting?
  • abide by the "2-second rule" when driving
  • be more green
  • travel all over
  • facebook less, text less, call more
  • edit my fb friend list
  • kiss plenty of frogs
  • find my prince, maybe...
  • love again

-Stay Sassy, xo


  1. Awesome blog mel

  2. here's another goal: call me more often to catch up!!! :)

  3. Apparently this is just going to be Melissa Plouvier Day. I think besides today, we might have spoke 2-3 words ever..

    However, I like lists, I like goals, and I like people setting out to just get more out of their lives. In fact , I love it! So good for you wanting more out of your 2011 and life in general!
    Have your best year yet!

    (uh, PS. When I first saw this I honestly thought you made a website about yourself, I've never seen this thing before)


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